Arizona Trappers Association Sale held 02/16/02 at Gila County Fairgrounds, Globe, AZ
3 buyers, 44 sellers, Over 1,000 furs total. All trappers very happy. Good fur quantities due to good support from others around the country.

Item NumOffered NumSold Average Price TopPrice
Badger44$ 8.39$ 15.27
Beaver2121$ 14.05$ 16.20
Bobcat133133$ 120.57$ 187.27
Civet55$ 6.20$ 6.20
Coyote336309$ 22.30$ 33.00
Fox - Grey305305$ 16.09$ 19.25
Fox - Kit4343$ 8.92$ 11.10
Fox - Red50NANA
Muskrat8686$ 2.65$ 3.19
Raccoon2826$ 8.39$ 9.40
Ringtail Cat33$ 5.94$ 7.27
Skunk1111$ 5.41$ 7.27