Upper Mohawk Fur Harvesters Sale held 12/16/01 at Clark Mills Americal Legion Hall, New York
8 buyers, Total Sale $10000, open auction, 4 serious buyers. Quite a few no sales on mink and fisher. Lots of trappers were not too happy but sold anyway. Quality of fur ok

Item NumSold Average Price AverageBid TopPrice
Beaver84$ 12.46NA $ 30.00
(top cat in carcass)
2$ 37.50NA $ 57.00
Coyote43$ 16.56NA $ 25.00
(top carcass animal; top dried $20)
58$ 17.88NA $ 35.00
Fox - Grey24$ 11.56NA $ 16.00
Fox - Red - Eastern41$ 19.34NA $ 29.00
Marten4$ 14.00NA $ 14.00
Mink - Wild217$ 7.99NA $ 11.00
Muskrat932$ 2.74NA $ 4.00
Muskrat - Eastern
(black rat)
1$ 3.75$ 3.75 NA
Opossum8$ 1.72NA $ 3.00
Otter15$ 40.07NA $ 45.00
Raccoon98$ 9.94NA $ 16.00
Skunk24$ 7.98NA $ 9.00
(couple in carcass)
18$ 3.12NA $ 5.00